I made this set and did all the graphics, however I do not claim copyright to the artwork in my graphics. I got the work from Amy Brown (who painted it herself). Therefore, you must take the credit button that comes with this set and link it to my site at http://iciclestar.4t.com and you must also link to Amy Brown's website at http://www.amybrownart.com - thanks!
If you do not do this, you must immediately remove my work from your site. This webset is for personal, non-profit sites only please! However, if you have a site selling fairy stuff, then you can take it. Please
email me
if you use this webset with your name and website URL and the URL of the page where my webset is featured so I can take a look and add your site to my page of graphic users! Thanks!
To use these buttons and graphics, please right click and save them on your own server. You may not, under any circumstances, link directly to my images as this uses up my bandwidth which I don't have very much of!
Some more important points to take note of:
* The site you use this webset on must be friendly and suitable for most ages, i.e. no excessive violence, adult content, hatred or prejudice.
Well, after that mini-lecture...hope you enjoy the set!
* You cannot use my buttons in clipart collections.
* Please don't alter or change my images in any way.
* You may not claim that you made this webset.